List of Best Book for Learning to develop Android apps Available in india

Android Apps for Absolute Beginners

Android Apps For Absolute BeginnersAndroid Apps For Absolute Beginners 

Our Price: Rs.1799
Android Apps for Absolute Beginners 2/eAndroid Apps for Absolute Beginners 2/e 

List Price: Rs.429
Our Price: Rs.339

Beginning Android 4 Application Development

Beginning Android 4 Application DevelopmentBeginning Android 4 Application Development 

Our Price: Rs.2399
Beginning Android 4 Application DevelopmentBeginning Android 4 Application Development 

List Price: Rs.599
Our Price: Rs.300

are some excellent books to begin learning Android Programming

To get started, download & install
1. Java 7 SE Java Development Kit (JDK) -
2. Eclipse IDE -
3. Android SDK -

Some tips:
1. Trust yourself that you can learn Android programming. Don't give up
2. Code, code and keep coding. The more you code, the better you'll get
3. Walk through all example & exercises in the book
4. Be patient as you'll spend lot of time understanding Android OS

To make money from your Android apps, use
1. Google Mobile Ads - or
2. Amazon Mobile Associates -
28 Jun 2014

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